Best advice to make it to the International Math Olympiads
I have been to IMO (International Math Olympiads) and I have interviewed more than 10 IMO gold medalists. Here are some valuable advice:
The Aladdin's Lamp Illusion: What resources do I recommend? There isn't a magical resource that will instantly transform you into a genius. If you've yet to reach the level of the IMO shortlist, consider focusing on regional Olympiads, JBMO, or explore books like "The Art and Craft of Math Olympiads". Our Instagram account, @MathWisdom1, is a treasure trove of information. I share interviews with students who have excelled at the IMO, and they offer a wealth of knowledge and experience.
"Let It Go": As the famous song from Frozen goes, it's important to know when to move on. If you've been stuck on an idea for more than 10 minutes and it's not leading you anywhere, let it go. Often, it's tempting to keep pursuing an idea because it seems promising, but you should train yourself to switch strategies when needed.
Embrace the Struggle: The Olympiads are tough and highly competitive. You'll face setbacks, feel down at times, and might even doubt your abilities. However, remember that it's okay to feel overwhelmed during the learning process. Instead of dwelling on a simple exercise you couldn't solve, celebrate the new techniques and insights you've gained. Keep in mind to always start with easy problems.
Fall in Love with Math: Develop a genuine passion for mathematics by embracing the process of thinking. Instead of viewing it as a chore, immerse yourself in the beauty of problems and the joy of solving them. Constantly mull over problems and enjoy the intellectual journey. One of my mentors once said, "Many people fear deep thinking, which is why they struggle with complex math problems." Remember, the one who loves walking will walk further than the one who loves the destination.